
bankruptcy and job loss

Bankruptcy and Job Loss in Arizona

Bankruptcy and Job Loss in Arizona A lot of misconceptions exist about what happens when filing bankruptcy in the state of Arizona. The facts seem to get misconstrued like playing a game of telephone. Everyone makes mistakes financially at some point in their life. The important thing is to learn from these mistakes and move […]
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prepackaged bankruptcy

How Your Business Could Qualify for a Prepackaged Bankruptcy

How Your Business Could Qualify for a Prepackaged Bankruptcy Each business is in a different situation and has different needs when contemplating an Arizona bankruptcy filing. Some businesses can complete a pre-packaged bankruptcy filing to move through the process quicker. Only with the recommendation from a skilled Arizona bankruptcy attorney should you choose to file […]
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common bankruptcy mistakes

Common Bankruptcy Mistakes in Arizona

Common Bankruptcy Mistakes in Arizona Declaring bankruptcy is sort of like a reset on your personal finances. As part of the process though, Arizona law requires that you be open and honest about your finances and your financial situation. Because of this required openness and honesty, there are some serious no-nos when it comes to […]
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real property in bankruptcy

Shared Real Property in Bankruptcy: What Happens?

Shared Real Property in Bankruptcy: What Happens? Jointly-owned property and individual bankruptcies raise some questions. What would happen to the property? How will the other owner be affected in that situation? The most common case of shared property ownership in Arizona involves husbands and wives. If one of the spouses does a bankruptcy filing, will […]
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